
Saturday, 19 September 2015

Making time for yourself

Even with a busy life, we still can and should make time for ourselves. "Me-time" is really important to me.  Those who know me well know that I like to keep active and socialize as much as I can but I also like to chill and when I get the chance, have an afternoon nap and go to bed early at least once or twice  a week. I'm usually asleep by 9.30pm on Tuesdays and Sundays as they are the days when I am home early and try not to plan things for the evening. When I attend monthly workshops or an event on Tuesdays I move my weekday early night to another day on that particular week.

Thursdays are the days I like to separate for social activities. At the moment I'm attending fortnightly  contemporary dance classes on Thursday evenings. I am really enjoying the sessions. It's something new and challenging and I find it quite relaxing. It definitely helps me to unwind after a busy working week.

Fridays are my non working days which I like to keep free for catching up with the housework, studying, running errands and tying up loose ends.

My weekends are quite busy, especially in the morning and afternoon but I make sure to separate time for my family spending as much time as I can with them. Weekend is generally the best time for us all and Sundays afternoons are now spent at my mom's house having lunch or dinner.

When we take time out for ourselves we are actually doing good to our mental and physical health. Many women look run down, heavy, tired, complain a lot and are fed up with their routine and most of the time it's because they don't give themselves a break. They're always busy trying to take care of everyone and everything else but don't take care of themselves. Sometimes an early night, a trip to the cinema, a walk in the park, a session at the gym or exercise class can help you to relax, recharge your batteries and give you the time-out you need to re-focus.

Last night I went to the theatre with my mom. Initally I had invited my sister to come with me but as she had other plans I invited my mom. My mom works a lot and hardly makes time to do anything like this so this was a treat for her. In fact she couldn't remember the last time she went out. We had a really nice time and the play was great. It was called Hood: The Legend Continues and was centered around the story of Robin Hood in modern times. After the play we went to Nandos and then went home. Something so simple made a difference to her week and mine too!

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