
Monday, 4 May 2015

Exercise and me!

I was a sporty child growing up and took part in athletic activities. I loved running and I was also part of the netball team at school, playing Goal Defense from age 10 to 16.

When I left school I signed up to the gym and went 4 times a week. I was very fit and healthy and when I started university, I joined the netball team and did street dance once a week. Half way through my first year at university I stopped all of it and over years frequently visited the gym when I felt like it.

 It took a trip to the doctors last year to prompt me to get back into taking care of my body properly and exercising regularly. Since then I have been cautious with what I eat, prepare healthier meals and exercise. I started to go to the gym again, weekly zumba classes and joined the running club at work!

My life is very busy at the moment and now  I find it difficult  to go to the the gym or exercise classes. I  haven't given up on exercising but instead i exercise from home more. I spilt my daily exercise regime into two; 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening, everyday.

I have a rowing machine at home so in the morning I spend 20 minutes on that followed by 10 minutes of abdomen exercises. Then in the evening I either go back on the rowing machine or I jog in my area for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of abdomen exercises. It's not strenuous or hard but it's a realistic regime that works well for me and keeps me fit and healthy.

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