
Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Moment of reflection: Blessed

Welcome to a new month!

How was the month of March for you? Good, bad, so so?

March was a very blessed month for me! I experienced some wonderful moments but a lot of things didn't go according to plan. I had set backs, disappointments and struggles. However, none of these diverted me from my goal, neither did it steal my happiness.

I chose to rise above them all and to keep moving forward. With this mindset and attitude, I could see a way out the struggles! Things became clearer.

You see, sometimes we think we are only blessed when we achieve something materially great, such as a new job, career opportunity, become engaged, get married, receive a lump sum of money we weren't expecting and get the all clear from a health problem! All these are wonderful but being blessed is not limited to what the eye can see.. Maybe none of these things happened to you last month and this has made you question your faith, and self belief. Everyone around you seems to be progressing, taking leaps of faith, soaring to new heights, gained new responsibilities and promotion and you didn’t receive any of that. No well done, congratulations, praise, and recognition came your way.

But look deeper! Was there a bad feeling or resentment you were harbouring against someone who had hurt you in this past but this month you decided let it go, forgive them and move on? You are blessed because you have set yourself free, you're no longer heavy burdened and have found inner healing – which many are craving for!

Was there a secret you were keeping to yourself and it was eating you up inside, making you feel guilty, but you opened up to someone about it and bringing it to light took you out of the inner darkness you were in and now you feel as light as a feather? You are blessed

Were there people in your life who only brought you down, undermining your worth and leading you to a destructive life but you broke away from them and removed them from your life? You are blessed because you realized that to live a positive life you need to stay away from negative people. You raised your standards and respected yourself!

Were you in a relationship that seemed to be going no where and you or the other person decided to call it a day? You are blessed because that relationship wasn’t right for you and now you can concentrate on investing more in yourself  and  when it’s time, the right person for you will come in to your life. If you had carried on with that relationship, you’d still be frustrated, insecure and unhappy!

As the quote says, “everyday may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” It bottles down to the way we choose to look at things and the attitude towards what life throws or does not throw at us!

To be blessed is to be happy!

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